Lab #5

Part 1:

The author of “4 Ways to Use Psychology to Win Your Competition’s Customers” uses his research to explain how the habits that we acquired as a daily customer are strongly influenced by one’s impulsiveness. His research adds to his article by including interesting statistics and also by giving the four main ways that Psychology is used to manipulate us in order to get our attention. Due to the fact that the participants of the study are mostly my age, I found it interesting how it was a topic that was linked directly to myself. He uses Snapchat, Netflix, Facebook and other types of media as example to support his four main arguments. I like how the author uses concrete examples that most people know because it allows a better understanding on the content of his article. Also, his sources that he included for each argument actually really added to his topic because it was he added another form of information to make his article more relevant, reliable, valid and interesting.

Part 2:

1. The use of television to entertain children has become more and more popular in today’s modern society. Not only can they watch it at home, they can also watch it on the go as well with the use of tablets and smartphones. However one may argue that not all TV shows are detrimental to a child’s development. There are a few children television series that are actually considered educational and beneficial to a child’s learning process. However, too much exposure to any type of media can harm a child as well. There are also shows that are known as being harmful to a child’s intelligence such as Spongebob Squarepants . Concerned Psychologists have actually conducted many studies concerning the well-known TV show to prove the negative effects that it can have on a child’s cognitive development. Recent studies proved that Spongebob Squarepants might actually make your children stupid. Parents are the one’s to blame for the existence of these types of TV shows due to the fact that they use them regularly to entertain their children, instead of doing it themselves as every parent should do. I’m not saying that TV is necessarily bad for a child, however if it used as a parenting tool it is inevitable that negative affects will occur.

4. Many people have already developed an opinion concerning the use of television. According to the 2011 Active Healthy Kids Report Card on Physical Activity for Children an YouthCanadian youth ages 6-19 average about six hours of screen time per day, with TV program accounting for much of this time. Why are children watching so much TV a day? That is the equivalent to 1/4 of their day. They sit in front of the TV the same amount of time that they are sitting in a classroom. No wonder parents complain that their children have learning disabilities, they are not receiving any type of cognitive stimulation once they get home from school. I do not believe that TV is bad for a child. However I do understand how it could be affect them negatively if they are constantly exposed to it. Too much of anything is never good, especially if it something that does not require any mental concentration. If you spend 1/4 of your day totally paralyzed in front of a television, you will definitely not gain any knowledge or learning advantages while doing so.

6. When I was a young child, my parents controlled the amount of time that I spent watching TV and on [INCOMPLETE]

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